ToM’s New Logo

ToM’s New Logo

The face of the “Clock Man” has changed for 2020. What was vintage madness has become the mercurial & maniacal face you see today. Wisconsin artist Ned Gannon was commissioned by James based on his fantastic work in creating the Vagabond artwork for...
The Music of Vagabond

The Music of Vagabond

The new soundtrack is coming your way soon. It’s made of, mostly, instrumental score music for the ”Vagabond” production, but it does include two new re-vamped versions of two classic ToM songs, ”Vagabond”, and ”Down The...


ToM is making music again! Hard to imagine, but a pandemic and the stage production of Vagabond (Now a film project) brought creators Jim Finn, Jon Larson and Derrick Mayoleth back into the same virtual space. In fact, we’re very close to releasing the Vagabond...