POE is hitting the stage Tomorrow! The POE soundtrack will be available then as well. Here’s a peak in the creative window…

Track 9 – The Unhallowed Hours

“About 3 am one night when I couldn’t sleep (as always), I sat down to the piano lost in a sleepless fog. Somewhere in the fog, I could hear Dr. Peter Venkman tinkling piano keys and saying, “They hate this, I like to torture ’em.” And from there, track 9 of the POE soundtrack found life.” – derrick

You can still grab your tickets for POE, for more information just head over to Two Griffins Theatre or to the CVTG – Chippewa Valley Theatre Guild website at https://cvtg.org/

Follow us on Bandcamp to be notified automatically when the complete POE soundtrack is released – https://tom-music.bandcamp.com/